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SC Comicon logo
Presenting sponsor: Ingles
Presenting sponsor: Ingles


Bringing the top comic artists, writers, and media guests to South Carolina!

APRIL 5-6, 2025

This family-friendly event in Greenville, SC has something for fans of all ages—from the top creators in comics and celebrity guests, to toys, collectibles, and cosplayers… plus plenty of events and contests for the kids.


Featuring the top comic artists, writers, and media guests!

Michael Watkins
Michael Watkins
Brent Spiner
Bill Golliher
Giancarlo Esposito
Priscilla Presley
Noah Sult
Billy Tucci
Mark Coleman
Andy Belanger
Thom Zahler
Kane Hodder
Adam Minarovich
The Hardy Boyz
Dean Cain
Don Frye
John Romita, Jr.
Kelly Yates
Andy Smith
Vicki Lawrence
Shane Davis
Rico Renzi
Matthew I. Jenkins
Jonathan Frakes
Randy Green
Georges Jeanty
Ben Diskin
John De Lancie
Dan Fraga
Craig Parker
Tara Strong
Robert Venditti
Matthew Klein
VIncent D'Onofrio
Phil Dunster
Jason Crosby
Chuck Huber
Scott Innes
Steve Conley
Veronica and Andy Fish
Charles Martinet
Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Budd Root
Michelle Ruff
Michael WatkinsStingBrent SpinerBill GolliherGiancarlo EspositoPriscilla PresleyNoah SultBilly TucciMark ColemanAndy BelangerThom ZahlerKane HodderAdam MinarovichThe Hardy BoyzDean CainDon FryeJohn Romita, Jr.Kelly YatesAndy SmithVicki LawrenceShane DavisRico RenziMatthew I. JenkinsJonathan FrakesRandy GreenGeorges JeantyBen DiskinJohn De LancieDan FragaCraig ParkerTara StrongRobert VendittiMatthew KleinVIncent D'OnofrioPhil DunsterJason CrosbyChuck HuberScott InnesSteve ConleyVeronica and Andy FishCharles MartinetAmanda Conner & Jimmy PalmiottiBudd RootMichelle Ruff

We are extremely thankful for the generous support from the following sponsors, who help make SC Comicon possible.

Please take a moment to check them out. If you or your company are interested in being a sponsor, please contact us at [email protected]

Presenting sponsor: Ingles
Presenting sponsor: Ingles
Clinger Real Estate
The Blood Connection
Borderlands Comics and Games
Local Cue
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