Due to the overwhelming popularity of the SC Comicon Cosplay Contest, we had to reduce the number of applicants for each category to ensure everything runs smoothly and everyone has a great time!
There is a cap of 30 entrants in each category (30 Novice, 30 Journeyman, 30 Masters). There is a “Showcase” category for individuals who want to walk across the stage in their cosplays and celebrate their favorite fandom! No pre-judging/judging is required for the showcase.
(For ages 12 and under. No prejudging required)
First Place: $50 Cash and Trophy
Second Place: $25 Borderlands Gift Certificate
Third Place: $15 Borderlands Gift Certificate
This category is for individuals who want to walk across the SC Comicon stage in their cosplay and celebrate their favorite fandom! No Judging or pre-judging is required.
(This category is for 1st time competitors)
You may not enter as a Novice if you have previously won, or placed, as a Novice at the SC Comicon cosplay contest.
First Place: $100 Cash and Trophy
Second Place: $50 Borderlands Gift Certificate
Third Place: $25 Borderlands Gift Certificate
This category is for our intermediate-level competitors—those whose skills are beyond that of a Novice but who are still refining their costuming skills. You may not enter as a Journeyman if you have previously won or placed as a Journeyman at the SC Comicon cosplay contest.
First Place: $200 Cash and Trophy
Second Place: $100 Borderlands Gift Certificate
Third Place: $50 Borderlands Gift Certificate
This level is for the Best of the Best. There are no prerequisites to enter this judging class (as long as you adhere to the costume contest rules), but know you are playing with the big boys and girls of Cosplay.
First Place: $500 cash and trophy
Second Place: $175 Borderlands Gift Certificate
Third Place: $150 Borderlands Gift Certificate
Registration and pre-judging is required for anyone wanting to participate in the SC Comicon Cosplay Contest (Pre-judging is waived for the Junior & Showcase categories).
Contest participation is limited to the first 30 contestants in EACH category (30 Novice, 30 Journeyman, 30 Masters). The first 30 people to turn in their forms for each category will be included in the cosplay contest, so please come early to secure your spot in the competition.
Registration forms will be available in the convention center lobby, across from the ticket booths, on Saturday and at the contest sign-in table adjacent to the contest stage on Sunday. Forms must be turned in on Sunday at the contest sign-in table 30 minutes before pre-judging. Pre-judging for the contest will take place on Sunday, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM behind the main cosplay contest stage.
To be eligible to place or win in any category of the SC Comicon Cosplay Contest, you must be present and in costume for pre-judging during the time listed above.
All entries must be from SC Comicon attendees. This means you must have your wristband to participate. No band = no entry.
This contest is open to all costume types, comic, anime, manga, or otherwise. One costume entry per person.
All costumes must be entered by the person who created it. Models may be utilized to showcase your costume. However, the creator must be present with the model at both the pre-judging and the contest to be eligible for award consideration. If you choose to use a model, be sure to note this information on your application.
With the exception of the Junior and Novice categories, all costumes and props must be of original construction or show major modifications/alterations to pre-existing materials. Costumes purchased or otherwise obtained from a professional or retail source will not be accepted for judging or award placement. Exceptions are made for wigs, shoes, jewelry, belts, and accessories. But the more of your costume you make, the more impressed the judges will be!
All entrants must show up in full costume for pre-judging, which will take place at the time/location listed above.
Reference images and work-in-progress pictures are not required but are strongly recommended. No costume that has won or placed in a previous SC Comicon Cosplay Contest will be eligible for entry or awards.
Contestants (Novice/Journeyman/Masters) are allowed 10 seconds on stage to show their costume or prop in a “catwalk” format. Be sure to do one or two quick poses before leaving the stage so all spectators can see your amazing costume.
All costumes, props, and weapons must adhere to SC Comicon policies– No live steel, no functioning or previously functioning projectile weapons, no fire, smoke, and/or pyrotechnics, or live animals allowed.
All costumes must be family-friendly (no indecent exposure or nudity). No profanity or lewd behavior is allowed. Any contestant who violates this rule will immediately be removed from the convention.
A parent or guardian must accompany all contestants in the Junior category, age 12 or under.
The judges’ decisions are final.
SC Comicon management reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these rules at any time.
SC Comicon may record or photograph contest entries at its discretion.
Entry into this contest constitutes an agreement by the entrants to allow SC Comicon to use their likeness or image in any current or future advertisement, promotion, or product.
Now, for the most important rule………Have Fun & Good Luck!